Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm not a runner... yet

Because I'm in a feisty mood tonight, and even though I'm the third wheel in this triad of good vs evil, conservative vs liberal, running vs lounging on the couch, with three friends who are all the coolest thing since Justin Bieber's hair-do, this blog needs at least one post to kick it off, and I'm going to be the one to post it. If there were ever any doubts that we might not make our goal of 2011 miles, we are going to blow it out of the water, my prediction by mid-summer. That being said, I'm not really a runner, I just pretend to run. It's something more like wogging - the walk/jog. However, I'm all for doing something to save my couch cushion from the permanent butt dent. That, and trying to keep my body in shape. Carrie sent around this video for our running pleasure. I might not like a lot of things on my body but they are better than having man boobs. At least mine are supposed to be there. Next on Nike's list should be to figure out how running can cure the common womanly disfigurement of the Relief Society arm. I'm all in... 2011, here we come.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Natalie...I love it when you're fiesty....oops, did I spell that wrong? My no bueno.