Sunday, January 9, 2011


Nothing unusually witty or sassy to say today (not that this is different from any other day) so I'll keep this catch-up post short and sweet.

Jan 6 - 3 miles
Jan 7 - 3 miles (right before I left to drive girls to a youth retreat which solidified my dislike of driving in MN in the winter as I spent 3.5 hours on what should have been a 2 hour drive - ice = PTSD. It also left me wondering if I really acted like that when I was 12/13. I probably did and have tried to erase my memory.)
Jan 8 - 5 miles (went running with Carrie at the gym and the guy next to me was hauling at 8.8 miles/hour. I felt a little wimpy. Or a lot. I also wasn't so excited that guys in the gym were already watching the Seahawks/Saints wildcard game. But the last 10 min we watched I guess weren't too bad given APC lives in Tacoma.)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

hahaha... nope, didn't know it but it's a good thing you don't hate it!