Friday, March 18, 2011

Luck o' the Irish

Apparently the Luck o' the Irish is not the Luck o' my knee. I'm starting to get knee pain every time I run. I need my knee to last me through at least the marathon in June... oh and the Ragnar in August. Let's be honest. Really I want it to last forever. I'm hoping it is just a symptom of being confined to a treadmill for a gazillion years rather than suffering severe hypothermia and frostbite venturing outside and the pain will go away after I'm willing to concede it is warm enough to go run in the fresh air. Minnesota is a little sneaky. Sun does not always equal nice outside.

March 17 = 6 miles
March 16 = 3 miles

1 comment:

Angenette said...

Please watch that knee.