Monday, February 14, 2011

Lucky #7 for Love

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm #7 of the kids in my family, which should be a lucky number. Today I'm:
  1. Lucky that I have an amazing family
  2. Lucky that I have amazing friends (and ones that will run 2011 miles with me!)
  3. Lucky that I got a rose from Firestone today when I had the oil changed in my car
  4. Lucky that I was able to help decorate cookies in an assisted living facility today during work
  5. Lucky that Minneapolis is in the balmy 30's today
  6. Lucky that I haven't yet gone crazy this winter in MN
  7. And.... Lucky that I can run = 7 miles


Dan Call said...

Luck has nothing to do with you running 7 miles. It's because you're great.

Dan Call said...

oops, that was angenette not dan

Carrie said...

You are fawesome my friend, fawesome