Monday, September 5, 2011

Ragnar Part 2

Ok, so really I don't have anything to add to Carrie's post except for AMEN and... these few items that probably don't add anything and I don't remember if Carrie covered them in her post and I'm too lazy to go back and check.

  • Take extra running socks, especially if you are a one pair of shoe runner like 90% of the rest of us. If you have a long leg and your socks get soaked, you'll want to change before you blister.
  • I personally like running in a visor during the day. It keeps the sun off my face and my face tends to overheat fast, or at least that's where it all goes. I tried a running hat once but it kept more of the heat in than I thought it should and I thought I was going to die running an 8 mile leg in 98 degree weather.
  • Dress for the weather. Somehow, every Ragnar I've been in has had much hotter than expected temps. I'm not one to love running in running shorts with my thighs flapping in the wind but the shorts and a tank helped keep me cool... or cooler than what I would have been in capris or running tights.
  • Make sure you have plenty of water in your car. Big jugs of water are nice to refill water bottles.
  • Even if you don't have team costumes, a coordinated shirt or something like that is nice.
  • Make sure to decorate your van. The more creative it is, the more people will recognize and remember your team.
And finally (I know Carrie covered this one)...

More Cow Bell!!!

Happy Running!


(and I've been a slacker since the moving extravaganza but here are my miles since I posted last: 12 miles. I'll pick it back up now that I've got nothing else to do.)


Angenette said...

I think moving excuses you from running. But now you've moved. So run!


Angenette said...

My friend that requested these posts said this:
For some reason I am unable to post comments on your blog. But I did read these posts and they were incredibly helpful. thank you, and please tell your friends I am so grateful. Feeling more and more ready every day. ;0)